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Wardrobe How-To

Wardrobe How-To

The Flowers, The Decals, and The Wardrobe

Have you ever had a crazy idea? Well, we just had one. And we ran with it. Sometimes our crazy ideas don’t always work out, but this time...well, this time we just installed our Vintage Florals inside of a wardrobe. Yep, that’s right, inside of a wardrobe.

There’s no space in your home or office unworthy of a little TLC. Often our closets are areas that we keep hidden, ashamed of the clutter, overwhelmed by the volume of “stuff” we’ve collected over the years.

But we thought it was time to change that. You can transform any closet or wardrobe with a few well-placed decals. It’s like a surprise party any time someone opens the door. Plus, even if you do still have clutter (and we all do), people will be distracted by how cute your closet decals are!

These little touches are what turns a house into a home. Additionally, if you’ve been dying to get your hands on a decal pack but have felt overwhelmed by taking on an entire wall—this is a great place to start!

We’d love to see the creative ways you’ve used our decals—outside of the box or inside of the wardrobe! Tag us on Instagram (@urbanwalls) and use the hashtag #thesearemyurbanwalls.

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