Wall Mural Ideas for the Bedroom to Transform Your Space
No matter how old you are, your bedroom should be an extension of yourself. It should reflect you—your style and personality, your colors and aesthetic, your flair. From nurseries and newly claimed “big kid” rooms to teenager hideaways and adult bedrooms, your space should change as frequently as you do.
“But,” you’re probably thinking, “redecorating is such a pain. Who has the time or the money to redo their bedroom every year or two?” We get it, actually. It can be incredibly time-consuming and expensive to transform your bedroom (or your kids’ bedrooms) every couple of years.
Fortunately, that’s where removable wall murals come into play! Compared to traditional wallpaper or hiring an artist to paint a personal mural, Urbanwalls vinyl wall murals are affordable, versatile, and oh-so-easy to install and remove. You can literally transform any bedroom in a record amount of time.
So, whose bedroom do you want to transform? Yours? Your kid’s? Your teenager’s or college student’s? We have some real golden mural ideas for bedrooms ahead…

Mural Ideas for Bedrooms
Bedroom Ideas for Kids
Let’s start with the kid’s room, shall we? More than any other room in your house, your kids’ bedrooms are probably changing constantly. So quickly, children seem to outgrow styles, color schemes, and fads and want their room to reflect their new favorite trend. It can be a lot to keep up with!
But with vinyl murals, you can take those bedroom walls and turn them into something they will love. Not only are wall coverings easy and affordable compared to other wall decor options, but they also have the potential to be something your kids will want to keep around for longer than a year. This will be the backdrop to where they dream and play. Wouldn’t it be nice to find something that has the power to hang out longer than superhero posters? Of course, even if they do outgrow their current mural, a new focal point can be chosen with another mural design! Especially since the vinyl wall murals are totally removable and will never damage your walls.
So, on with the mural ideas:

East of Eden Wall Mural
Though we offer many floral wall murals, the East of Eden wall mural is one of our favorites for girls’ bedrooms and nurseries! Bold colors, larger-than-life blooms. It’s a beautiful place to grow up.
Misty Mountains Wall Mural
For your little adventurer who would always rather be outside, the Misty Mountains wall mural is ideal. Did your guy just get back from boy scout camp, ready to sleep in the woods? Now he can with an interior look that’s mountain man approved.
Bedroom Ideas for Teens & College Students
Bridging the gap between childhood and adulthood can be tough when it comes to bedroom walls—especially when you’re in college renting an apartment or living in a dorm room. How do you personalize your bedroom when your safety deposit is relying on no damage to the blank walls? That’s where the removable wall mural comes into play.

With various styles that feel sophisticated yet fun, college students and teens can personalize their rooms—even if it’s just for the year before they’re off to the next place. Vinyl wall murals easily peel off walls, leaving your rented space as pristine as when you found it. Seriously, no damage to the walls = no damage to your deposit.
Sandswept Wall Mural in Heatwave
With the warm-toned Sandswept wall mural in our “Heatwave” color, the sun will always feel like it’s shining. Designed with a delicate mingling of watercolors, the Sandswept Mural is an up-close illustration of the ever-shifting desert sand dunes. Pretty and trendy, this mural idea creates a focal point that brightens the mood—even while studying for midterms.

Cascade Wall Mural
High school and college can be tough. But did you know that blue is recognized as one of the most calming colors? Our Cascade wall mural brings the blues into a fun, abstract wall mural inspired by the water left behind as waves crash around seaside rocks. As the watercolored blues and teals drip down from the top, fading into whitewash, it is easy to feel as if one has been caught in the aftereffects of a receding wave—but in the best way possible!
Primary Bedroom
The primary bedroom—the ultimate big kid room. It’s important that it should reflect your style and taste as you’ll be spending about half your life in it. Yeah, yeah, so you’ll be sleeping most of that time, but still. This is YOUR room. We understand that you want a great interior look and color scheme. Because even though vinyl wall murals are easy to remove…you may love it so much you just may not want to change your decor for years and years to come.
Whether the primary bedroom is all yours or you have to share it with your spouse or partner, we have enough wall mural ideas and wall mural designs to please even the pickiest spouse. You know, the one that absolutely refuses to have anything floral anywhere in the house. We’ve got that covered.

Tropic Oasis Wall Mural
Remember that amazing week at the resort a few years back? You’d never been more relaxed, palm trees swaying, the warmth of the sun kissing your skin. How about if we bring that to a feature wall in your bedroom? With the Tropic Oasis mural, any room becomes a lush palm garden, filled with pristine, untouched foliage. Created with a monochromatic color scheme and an artistic, sketched look, the removable Tropic Oasis wall mural complements any décor or accent, allowing you to achieve your design dream.
Capri Low Tide Wall Mural
Bring a soothing blue color scheme into the bedroom with the Capri Low Tide Wall Mural. Swirling brush strokes mimic the ocean’s many movements and moods while light grey, cream, and cornflower hues sweep your room into the picture of tranquility.
How To Remove Wall Murals
We know, you’ve just started thinking about applying your wall mural. Why would you want to know how easy it is to remove them already? Well, it’s important that you know that as easy it is to choose a beautiful mural design, it’s also just as easy to remove it when you’re ready for something new!
Removing your vinyl wall mural may seem daunting, but it’s even easier than it was to install them in the first place! (Which is also pretty easy, to be honest.)

Following this helpful little step-by-step guide, remove your decals and prep your walls for a new look in no time.
1. Use a hair dryer.
It sounds a little crazy, but aim a hairdryer a few inches from the top edge of your mural. The warm heat will loosen the adhesive backing, so peeling the mural away from the wall will be easy. We recommend starting at one spot, heating and peeling as you go, instead of heating up the entire design before beginning the peeling process.
2. Start at the corner and peel.
If at first you have trouble getting your mural to peel up and away from the wall, use a butter knife (or something with an edge that isn’t too sharp) that you can slide under the mural at the right corner and work your way to the left. This will help loosen the edge so you can grip enough of the vinyl in order to pull. Taking off one panel at a time with the hair dryer, slowly moving from top to bottom.
3. Peel slowly.
Continue to aim the hair dryer at the next section of the mural as you slowly peel, allowing the warm air to loosen the adhesive as you go. Remember, pulling at a 45-degree angle is much easier than pulling the mural panel straight down.
4. Repeat the steps.
Repeat steps one through three until your walls are clear. Since our murals are removable and not reusable, feel free to tear the panels into small sections as you work. It can sometimes make the process easier if you remove the excess vinyl from your work area as you go.
Would you like to see the removal process in action? We’ve created a tutorial so you can see how simple removing our murals truly is—no mess, no hassle. Just a new, clean blank wall waiting for you and your next design vision!